The Covell Family

My wife's family has a long and rich history in North America. The first Covell to arrive was Nathaniel Covell. He came as an indentured servant to the Governor, Edward Winslow, at the age of 13, arriving 26th August 1653 in Boston Massachusetts. The first Covell to arrive in Canada, three generations later, was Simeon John Covell. His pedigree (ancestors) can be found in his dedicated history section of the site (link below). Simeon's arrival in Canada was as a result of the Revolutionary War or the War of Independence (depending which side you were on). Simeon was a Captain in the Queens Rangers (a loyalist regiment) at the Battle of Bennington, NY in 1777 and later he was associated with the Jessup's Loyal Rangers. His exile to Upper Canada earned him the title of United Empire Loyalist. Covell's have lived and prospered in Eastern Ontario for over 200 years.
Earliest North American Ancestors
The settlement of Massachussets, and more importantly to our family Cape Cod, is well documented. Nathaniel Covell finished his seven years of contracted service and found his way to Yarmouth. In the Spring of 1663 he married Sara, daughter of William Nickerson. William, at that time, was fighting in court over land in Barnstable, Massachusetts that he had purchased from the Indian Mattaquason, the sachem of Monomoit (i.e. chief of the Monomoit 'tribe'). The final resolution of the issue did not happen until 1672 when the court agreed to let William have possession of what he has purchased. Over the next 10 years he bought two more tracts bringing the total land he owned to about 4,000 acres. This comprised, for the most part, what is today the town of Eastham.
Biography of William Nickerson This file talks about my wife's 8th great grandfather
Nathaniel Covell - the first immigrant A portion of the information that we have been able to collect on Nathaniel, 7th great grandfather
Canadian Family History
Simeon Covell [UEL] had three children, all born at Cambridge, Washington County, New York before the war. Several researchers have concluded that Simeon had six children, three born in Canada. My research has revealed that the three later children that are mentioned are definitely not Simeon's and are most likely those of his nephew David, son of his brother David Sr., both of whom moved to Augusta township in 1793. For more on this subject follow the Simeon Covell history link below.

Descendants of Simeon John Covell, UEL This file contains only six generations. Further information is available to Covell and related family researchers from myself or from many different trees on
Simeon Covell - A Bit of History Information that we have been able to collect on Simeon
Great Grandfather Covell's Pedigree Henry Gilbert Covell was born in 1888 in Elmsley Township, Leeds County, Ontario.
Some Covell Family Pictures Photographs of Henry and his family.
Covell Related Families Those that appear in the direct ancestral line.
Un-Related Covell Families found in Ontario Covell families found in early Ontario records that are not in the "Nathaniel Line". There are two major Covell lines in North America, both having their start in Massachussetts in the 1600's, the other being the "Anthony Line"."

Looby Information

Great Grandmother Looby's Pedigree Henry Covell married Florence Looby in 1910 in South Elmsley, Leeds, Ontario.
Edward Looby Descendants Edward is the oldest known Looby decendant. He came to Canada about 1832.
Three Looby Brothers My research on the children of Edward Looby


Many thanks to those who have helped me build my Covell database: Joyce and Bruce Watts, Robert Snyder and Ann Tate.

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